Nazi German ghetto during World War II
Tags: concentration camp / Czech republic / east europe / interior / jews / nazi / terezin / theresienstadt / washing room / world war II
in cooperation with Worldmapping
Tags: advertisement / Africa / guinness / roadsigns / Uganda / Worldmapping
in cooperation with Worldmapping
published in Everywhere magazine #4
Tags: brazilian / carnaval / everywhere / girl / magazine / party / person / publication / published / star
exhibited during the Noorderlicht International Photofestival
Tags: bus station / man / New York / orange / public transport / reflection / symmetry / telephone / terminal / U.S.A. / United States of America
published in the book 'Een Fries op pad'
Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord
Tags: blast furnace / duisburg / europe / Germany / industrial heritage / industry / landscape / landschafspark / nature / ruhrgebied / windmill
Bomunsa temple
Tags: Bomunsa temple / buddha / colourfull / faces / island / religion / Seongmodo / south korea / tradition / white
in cooperation with Worldmapping
Tags: Africa / banana's / bekenkamp / Lake Bunyonyi / transport / Uganda / Worldmapping
Tags: bed / commissioned / hotel / luxury / publication / published / seoul / south korea / stylecity / Thames and Hudson
exhibited during the Noorderlicht International Photofestival
Tags: Asia / Cambodia / exhibited / exhibition / green / man / noorderlicht / Phnom Penh / seeds / south east / working
Tags: capital / city / europe / istockphoto / Lisbon / Portugal / public transport / sale / stockphotography / tram
in cooperation with Worldmapping
Tags: Africa / Gijs Bekenkamp / Uganda / walking / woman
in cooperation with Worldmapping
in cooperation with Worldmapping
Tags: Africa / bekenkamp / child labour / labour / Lake Bunyonyi / Uganda / Worldmapping